Exercise 7 – An objective drawing

In this exercise, I am trying to achieve a drawing with a high degree of visual accuracy and is technically controlled.  I am analytical, recording what I see and am aware of the relative scale of different elements of my object and the position of components parts.  I am using marks that describe the object’s texture and vary line quality to suggest its contours.

Pencil drawing of an All Star Converse Shoe


I have decided to use basic watercolour paper and polychromos oil-based coloured pencils, but once I had started, I realised that I needed to work on a paper with a smoother texture and has the same cotton feel as the shoe.  I started all over again, but this time I used Arches Hot Pressed paper, which made a big difference to the overall piece. I also used the round tip of a quilling tool to make indents in the paper to achieve white details.

Steps of Creative Process

Creative Process

  1. First, I have taken a photo of the shoe in case the shoe gets moved.  Then I measured the proportions with a pencil, got the basic outlines onto paper with an HB Pencil, and took a kneaded eraser to lift most of the graphite from the paper until there was a faint outline of the image.
  2. Before starting with my coloured pencils, I made swatches of the colours for easy reference when drawing.
  3. I then started building up the layers.
  4. I am adding more tones and details.
  5. This is a picture of the materials I have used.  I ended up using the warm grey colour pencils.
  6. The finished piece.

Overall, this was a gratifying exercise to record what I saw.  By using the correct materials, I found that it was easier to achieve a realistic drawing


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