Exercise 7 Educational strip

In this exercise, I will produce an illustrated strip to be used in schools, explaining to young teenagers how to cope with the onset of puberty.  The leaflet is called What’s happening to my body?  It’s all going mad!

Getting all my thought together by jotting down ideas and mind maps on paper was very helpful.  I had to decide what aspect of puberty to illustrate and how to approach this sensitive subject matter.  Pre-teens embarrass easily, so the cover needs to be relatable and visually pleasing.  I decided to do this leaflet for an all-girls school.  While brainstorming, I asked my teenage daughter’s opinion on what she thinks would be a relatable leaflet and what image styles appeal to her. Using humour and creating a cartoon character will lighten the mood of this illustration, tackling the seriousness of the emotional side of puberty in a light-hearted manner.  My daughter especially liked the cartoons of teenage girl characters. I was thinking along the line of doing a metamorphosis cartoon illustration. 

Figure 1 Mind map

Using humour and creating a cartoon character will lighten the mood of this illustration, tackling the seriousness of the emotional side of puberty in a light-hearted manner.  My daughter especially liked the cartoons of teenage girl characters. I was thinking along the line of doing a metamorphosis cartoon illustration. 

Figure 2 Moodboard
Figure 3 Thumbnails

Once I had all my thumbnails on paper, I scanned them into Procreate to size them and planned the composition using a grid.  I am using an A4 format folded into three sections and will plan my frames accordingly. 

Here is a short video of my rendering process in Procreate.

Figure 4 Leaflet cover
Figure 5 Leaflet content
Figure 6 Leaflet mockup

The exercise was challenging because of the sensitive subject.  I would imagine this as a leaflet that will introduce the subject matter to the children and then follow up with a more personal class set-up with the girls. 

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