Tutor feedback Part 5

Part five explored the relationship between words and pictures.  As my tutor mentioned, “it required a synthesis of your illustrations and self-directed ideas.”  

According to my tutor, my overall response has been very good; my creative methodology is developing very well, showing planning, testing, making mock-ups, corrections etc.  I evidence a very sound understanding of the requirements of the various briefs, particularly the relationship of illustration in context to graphic design; therefore, I have produced some promising work.  Moving forward I am in an excellent position to start your next unit.

Assignment five: ‘Seven Days

Next time I do a similar assignment, I will approach the project by analysing which aspect of my research examples communicate the product the best and then consider which design work best as a range.  This step can organise my planning and result in a smoother workflow.  Although I usually have that picture in my mind, it is more concrete to explore and test the idea and show my workflow as a reference. 

Contrasting and comparing my design against the best of my research is another step I will include in my methodology in the future.  I think it is important to research illustrators and artists that are known for their excellent work and are good role models to learn from.  At times I might appreciate an illustrator’s work but need to research if their work is actually good quality work.  This is a common issue in an age with extensive visual material available at our fingertips.  I have also learned that it is a good idea to go to the source of an artist’s inspiration. 

I am thankful for the tips from my tutor: “Consider that the most important information on the labels is the illustrated fruits and flavour descriptor.  Start by converting all your designs in white labels with black text and line illustrations.  Place those on the bottles and allow the juice itself to interact with the label as part of the visual communication.”  I will most definitely use this method in the future and consider the caps can be colour coded.  In my research, I noticed that consistency across the range is critical, and my tutor also mentioned this.


This is the first time I have submitted my work for assessment, and I aimed to present a variety of work.  I have refined ‘Educational strip’ and ‘Packaging’ and showed the original work alongside the refined pieces explaining the changes and rationale for doing so.

Feedback based on Learning Outcomes

Develop methods to creatively respond to briefs as an illustrator.

Through exploring, sketching, and using the principles I have learned in ‘text and image’ I will be able to further develop the titles for ‘travel guides’ by including the typography as part of the illustration and be cohesive with the tone and feel of the design.

Demonstrate your use of visual research to explore and generate ideas.

I have learned through research in “editorial illustration” to use text in a direct visual representation and with less ambiguity than for example a book illustration.

Use a range of drawing, mark-making and image-making skills to develop your illustration practice.

I would like to experiment more with layout options next time I do a similar project to ‘editorial illustration’.  Attention to the edges and spacing of the images can elevate the overall design of this newspaper article.

Demonstrate a critical and contextual understanding of illustration and reflect on your own learning.

I will continue to independently research illustrators, artists, and designers to inform my practice.  I would like to focus more on comparing my work with my research examples and showing the comparison in my learning log once the project is complete. 

Action points based on Learning Outcomes

Develop methods to creatively respond to briefs as an illustrator.

My tutor pointed out that my ‘travel guides’ cover design lacks visual hierarchy.  I agree with this, and I will revisit my research examples and closely analyse them to find the clues to better the hierarchy and overall illustration scene.

I have taken my tutor’s advice and refined ‘packaging’ further for assessment.  I wanted to achieve stronger diffraction between each flavour and added a close-up window of each dinosaur interacting with the biscuit by eating the biscuit.  I used the window to bring the flavour descriptor more upfront.

Figure 1 Before refinement
Figure 2 After refinement
Demonstrate your use of visual research to explore and generate ideas.

I agree that a square crop of each image for ‘editorial illustration’ may make a stronger overall composition.

Use a range of drawing, mark-making and image-making skills to develop your illustration practice.

Screen print or Lino cut will be an excellent idea for ‘editorial illustration’.

Demonstrate a critical and contextual understanding of illustration and reflect on your own learning.

It is important to compare and contrast my final pieces with my research examples and note what I have done well and where improvements could be made.

Overall, I am pleased with the feedback from my tutor for Part 5 and feel I am moving forward in my practice.  I greatly value this feedback as a tool to improve and develop my illustration skills.

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