Assignment 2 Thinking of you

The brief

Create a range of cards for sentiments or events worthy of a greeting card but currently not catered for by card manufacturers.  You will need to design the cover of your card and the message inside. Produce at least three finished cards, which can either be unrelated or work as a series linked to the same sentiment.

Analysing the brief

A list of “firsts” in life can be celebrated, but the possible problem is that people will only notice the changes after they happen.  For instance, you’ve lost your first 10kg and ran your first 5 km.  I then came up with the idea of creating these cards as a series of accomplishments at a slimming, running, or charity club.  The problem is that people will not care enough to buy a fellow stranger club-member a card. 

My solution is to create a range of cards called SUPPORT YOUR BFF SERIES.  This can be sold at regular greeting card outlets.  The card series will consist of all personal goals, events and milestones that you will only share with your close friend, husband, boyfriend or confidant.  The series can consist of the following cards.

  • When the first child leaves home
  • Cancer free for a year
  • One month alcohol-free
  • Lost ten kilograms
  • Congratulations on your first family dog
  • Congratulations on running your first 5km

Gathering ideas

I wrote down all my ideas in a spider diagram and paged through my art books to get inspired.

Figure 1 Spider diagram

Paging through Edward Bawden’s work and observing several of his characters and artworks, I was inspired to make three weight loss congratulation cards and use similar characters for my illustrations.  I want to try pop-up cards and watch YouTube videos to get ideas.

Figure 2 Edward Bawden’s characters

I sketched thumbnails and created a mood board of rendering techniques I like.

Figure 3 Thumbnail sketches
Figure 4 Mood board

Designing Pop-Up cards

I sketched a Pop-Up card plan with the measurements and panels.

Figure 5 Pop-up Card Plan 1
Figure 6 Pop-up Card Plan (continue)

Making the cards

I made many mistakes while making the card, even though I planned it carefully.  The prototype was made out of watercolour paper and worked very well.  The plan was to paint the card panels with gouache before building the card.  The paper warped even though I tested it before starting.  I had to redo measuring and cutting mistakes.  It was a very time-consuming project, but I am pleased with the knowledge I gained during this assignment. 

Figure 7 Card 1
Figure 8 Card 2
Figure 9 Card 3

Overall, this was an insightful project.  At the end of the project, I realised that the simpler design (the yellow card) was more effective and successful.  I used gouache to render card 1 and pen and paper only for cards 2 and 3.

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