Tutor feedback Part 3

The overall feedback from my tutor was positive.  Based on the feedback, I have good creative and visual abilities, particularly with regard to my use of colour.  I had some good spider diagrams and used both traditional and digital media effectively.  However, I need to extend mood boards, sketch ideas and additional research in both exercise- and assignment work.  

The following areas show good progress.

  • Working with colour and using creative play in my process.  
  • Using both digital and traditional media to explore ideas.
  • Reflecting well on my work during the design process.  
  • Using photos to create new work such as illustration, textures and backgrounds for type. 
  • Conveying good ideas through my mind maps and spider diagrams.

Areas needing improvement.

  • Retaining the mood boards in my process and extending them to my final assignment.
  • Extending exciting work from exercises into assignment work, such as the creative play of the paper cutter and the enthusiasm and level of enquiry seen in the visual literacy project. 
  • Researching photomontage and collage, as well as contemporary design practices and posters in general.
  • Exploring a range of sketch ideas in my sketchbook before settling on a few to pursue and take further.
  • Conducting additional design-led research looking at independent designers or design agencies and how this research informs your approach. Further research will help to keep the design direct and focused.
  • Bringing in research and previous exercises when critiquing my own work.  
  • Using extremes of scale when exploring the visual dynamics of elements to create more dramatic and contrasting layouts.
  • Creating consistency when working with a series to avoid too much disparity between designs.
  • Simplifying the thumbnails slightly to consider the different elements in various compositions.
  • Pairing back imagery that doesn’t have to be overly detailed or complex.

My tutor’s suggestions are helpful, and if implemented, they can elevate my work and result in better designs.  Going forward, I will be mindful of feeding in design-led research and sketchbook/mood board material to inform my process.  This will give more direction and focus to my exercises and assignments.  

My thumbnails can be less detailed and more basic but effective in exploring all the different options available by using research and mood boards.  Expanding on early sketchbook work and using this to initiate thumbnails before working digitally is a good idea.  Scale and composition can also be thoroughly explored during the thumbnail process. I will also be more attentive to writing a comprehensive reflection on my work at the end.  

Once again, thank you for taking the time to provide such thorough feedback.  I appreciate the guidance you have given me and am committed to improving my work.

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