Assignment 1 Recording and Sharing your work

The brief

In this assignment, you will produce a sketchbook on the theme of the everyday.  Building on the work you have already produced through the previous exercises and research tasks, this is an opportunity to visually respond to your theme.

You will record your creative responses in a sketchbook, working in any way you like and with any media.  The sketchbook doesn’t have to be finished but can be seen as a ‘work in progress’.

Finally, you are asked to reflect on the experience of assignment one either as a piece of writing or as a short video narrative.

What type of sketchbook am I using?

I am going to use the sketchbook I have made in Exercise 1. What sort of sketchbook should I use?  This sketchbook is made from different paper types and bound with saddle stitches.  Eventually, I would like to try Dr. Emma Powell’s sketchbook method of having one large sketchbook containing everything I am working on for six months at a time.  The time is not right for that yet because I have just bought a big stack of new sketchbooks before starting this course.  In the video, I have some of my sketchbook drawings on loose pieces of paper, which I can bind together in a book.

My Reflection on Part 1

  • Ultimately, I will work towards creating a large sketchbook to be a timeline and a story of my creative journey. 
  • A ‘foldy’ or booklet is ideal when travelling and can be placed into the primary sketchbook when you get home.
  • It’s important to maintain a form of practice outside of university and professional creative work.  It’s like training between marathons.  If you are in good shape, you will perform better.
  • It’s good to make mistakes, be looser and almost be careless in your sketchbook.

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