Exercise 3.5 Free Association

The Brief

The exercises you have done so far throughout the entire course have been based on a combination of observation and imagination.  Doodling is a more automatic process – you draw without being self-conscious.  You may already doodle when you are on the phone in a relaxed environment or when in high-powered meetings that go on too long.  Doodling can lead to imagery that may be valid as a form of visual communication in its own right or be made up of entirely abstract patterns.

Start off with motifs that are familiar to you.  Geometric shapes and simple icons such as stars, faces, numbers or letters are good starting points.  Allow yourself to build on and around these shapes.  Aim to fluidly fill the whole of the page.  Try to be relaxed about the process and don’t be precious about whether you are making a good or bad drawing.

Figure 1 First spread in my A5 Sketchbook
Figure 2 Second spread in my A5 Sketchbook
Figure 3 Third and final spread in my A5 Sketchbook

My doodles

This was an eye-opening experience, and I think I will do this more often while talking on the phone or doing any activity where my hands are free. It was interesting to see what appeared on the page out of nowhere. It was lovely to scribble without being too worried about the outcome and just enjoy drawing whatever comes to mind.  I quite like the idea of not using any references or visual research and just doodling from memory.

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